Dovetail® LinkPrepTM Assay & Kit
Sample Support

The assay leverages in situ DNA organization inside of the nucleus. Extracted DNA does not preserve this organization and therefore not compatible with the assay.

Flash freeze the tissue in liquid nitrogen upon collection and store at -80°C until ready to use.

The workflow has been validated down to 100K cells. No protocol changes are required when using less than 1M cells. ​What do I give up by using less cells? Less cells means you will recover lower yields after proximity ligation. This ultimately means your libraries may have lower complexity (i.e. higher duplication rate).


No, the LinkPrepTM Kit does not support the use of third-party library preparation kits. The Library Preparation and Primer Modules are part of the core kit offering.​

The use of a swinging bucket rotor:

  1. Helps visualize the pellet and reduces cell loss
  2. Enables low-speed spins which reduces cell clumping that can lower the efficiency of the tagmentation reaction.

If QC sequencing, the library can be shallow sequenced to 1- 10 million read pairs (2 x 150 bp).

For standard sequencing, we recommend to sequence one library up to 300 million read pairs (2 x 150 bp). The depth depends on the variants you want to detect and its tumor fraction and variant allele frequency.


Tumor Fraction Genomic Coverage # Libraries # read pairs (2 x 150 bp)
SVs >50% 10X 1 100M
SVs, SNVs, Indels, CNVs >50% 30X 1 300M
SVs 20% – 50% 30X 1 300M
SVs, SNVs, Indels, CNVs 20% – 50% 80X 3 800M

Detection of Low VAF events are dependent on sequence depth


LinkPrepTM Kit users can analyze the data using standard NGS tools. Some recommendations that we have can be found on the following readthedocs. Page:

Dovetail® Micro-C Assay & Kit

Micro-C uses micrococcal nuclease (MNase) to digest chromatin instead of the restriction enzymes other Hi-C methods use. This approach provides superior signal–to–noise, enabling nucleosome resolution/nucleosome phasing and a more granular view of chromatin folding that includes enhancer-promoter/promoter-promoter interactions and loop extrusion features.

While coverage is reduced in nucleosome-free regions, it rarely drops to zero because the digestion profile contains di–and tri-nucleosomes as well as mono–nucleosomes. This ensures that some fragments contain linker-DNA and thereby provides some coverage at nucleosome-free regions.

Sample Support

The standard input for Micro-C assay is one million cells.

Currently Micro-C is validated for mammalian cells, mammalian tissues, mammalian cryopreserved PBMC, and fresh mammalian whole blood. We also have customer developed protocols for drosophila imaginal discs and rice. If you are interested in another sample type, please contact our Technical Support team.


You will get 8 reactions with each Micro-C kit.

It only takes 1.5 days to go from sample to sequencing-ready library!

The Micro-C workflow does not require sonication. The fragmentation is enzymatic and is carried out at Stage 1 of the protocol.

Magnetic separation rack for 0.2 mL and 1.5 mL tubes, centrifuge, swinging bucket rotor, vortex mixer, thermal cycler, agitating thermal mixer, Qubit fluorometer, and TapeStation (Fragment Analyzer or Bioanalyzer can also be used).

Workflow QC

The Micro-C workflow has built-in quality control steps, including an early QC step used to assess the digestion reaction. As a final QC step, we recommend to shallow sequence the library to run a QC analysis prior to deep sequencing. Our kit users have access to an easy-to-use QC analysis workflow.


Since your experimental design will determine the types of downstream analyses available to you, it is critical to consider both in unison prior to generating any data.  You can find a detailed discussion of the Micro-C experimental design here.

Micro-C libraries are Illumina compatible. We recommend sequencing 2 x 75 bp, 2 x 100 bp, or 2 x 150 bp.

Dovetail has compiled a comprehensive best practices step-by-step workflow with full documentation that covers:

  • Alignment, Pairs generation, and filtering for high-quality proximity-ligation reads.
  • Contact matrix generation for both .hic and .cool files.
  • Commonly used applications.

Dovetail tools for QC and Contact Matrix generation require the Micro-C raw sequence data (*.fq.gz) and a reference genome assembly (*.fa).

Due to the use of restriction enzymes and sonication, traditional Hi-C valid reads require the insert size (or physical coverage) of a read-pair to be greater than the library fragment and to be adjacent to a restriction site. Micro-C libraries do not use restriction enzymes or require sonication (a key source of noise in Hi-C libraries). Therefore, a valid Micro-C read only requires that the insert size (or physical coverage) of a read-pair be greater than the library fragment. Check out this white paper to learn more.

  • For QC, we recommend 1– 2 million read pairs.
  • For deep sequencing, we recommend to sequence one Micro-C library up to ~300 M read pairs.
  • Topology Analysis – A/B compartments (3X coverage; 1 library), TADs (30X; 1-2 libraries), Loops (80X coverage; 2-3 libraries)
Dovetail® HiChIP MNase Assay & Kit

The Dovetail HiChIP MNase assay leverages the Micro-C (MNase-based Hi-C) workflow to conduct chromatin digestions. With the HiChIP MNase assay:

  • No sonication is required in the protocol, improving assay robustness
  • Nucleosome position is preserved
  • Peak adjustment based on restriction enzyme-proximity to DNA-protein interaction of interest is not required. The use of restriction enzymes enriches libraries at the restriction site closest to the protein-DNA interaction, not on the interaction itself. As a consequence, in the data analyses HiChIP peaks must be adjusted to reflect the real protein-DNA site, not the restriction site closest to the interaction of interest.

Inclusion of ChIP-seq data simplifies data QC and interpretation but is not an absolute requirement. You can use publicly available data from sources such as ENCODE if you have not generated ChIP-seq data. However, it will not be truly reflective of your experiment or sample of interest.

While coverage is reduced at nucleosome-free regions, it rarely drops to zero because the digestion profile contains di- and tri-nucleosomes as well as mono-nucleosomes. This ensures that some fragments contain linker-DNA and thereby provide some coverage at nucleosome-free regions.

Sample Support

This will vary depending on the antibody/protein of interest. See table below.

The Dovetail HiChIP MNase assay is currently validated for mammalian cells. If you are interested in another sample type, please contact our Technical Support team.

It only takes three days to go from sample to sequencing-ready library!

Workflow QC

The HiChIP MNase workflow has built-in quality control steps, including an early QC step used to assess the digestion reaction. As a final QC step, we recommend to shallow sequence the library to run a QC analysis prior to deep sequencing. Our kit users have access to an easy-to-use QC analysis workflow.


This will vary depending on the occurrence rate of protein-DNA interactions of the protein of interest and the genome in question. The following are recommended starting guidelines:


  • QC – 1 M paired-end reads (2 x 150 bp) to assess the proximity-ligation qualities of the libraries. 20 M – 40 M paired-end reads (2 x 150 bp) are needed to assess the success of the ChIP enrichment.
  • Deep sequencing – we recommend to sequence 1 HiChIP library to ~150 M read pairs (2 x 150 bp).
  • Low-occurrence – 100 M paired-end reads (2 x 150 bp).
  • High-occurrence – 400 M paired-end reads (2 x 150 bp), 2-4 libraries.

Dovetail has compiled a comprehensive best practices step-by-step workflow with full documentation that covers:

  • Alignment, Pairs generation, and filtering for high-quality proximity-ligation reads.
  • IP-enrichment assessment.
  • Contact matrix generation for both .hic and .cool files.
  • Commonly used applications.

The Dovetail HiChIP QC tool that assesses the success of a Dovetail HiChIP library requires the raw HiChIP sequence data (*.fq.gz), a reference genome (*.fa) and a file of 1D ChIP-seq peak locations (*.bed).

Due to the use of restriction enzymes and sonication, traditional Hi-C valid reads require the insert size (or physical coverage) of a read-pair to be greater than the library fragment and to be adjacent to a restriction site. Dovetail HiChIP libraries do not use restriction enzymes or require sonication (a key source of noise in Hi-C libraries). Therefore, a valid HiChIP read only requires that the insert size (or physical coverage) of a read-pair be greater than the library fragment. Download our white paper to learn more.

Dovetail® Omni-C® Assay & Kit

Omni-C leverages DNase to digest chromatin as opposed to restriction enzymes. This approach provides superior coverage across the genome enabling more applications such as genotyping and haplotype phasing.

Sample Support

The standard input for Omni-C is one million cells. A low input protocol is also supported down to one thousand cells.

Cells, animal and plant tissues, and blood.

The Omni-C chemistry is robust and works across a variety of genome types.

Sample Type Preparation
Cells Cells Harvest, wash with 1X PBS, count, aliquot 1M cells, spin down , discard the supernatant and freeze the  pellet at -80ºC
Animal Tissues When possible, non-muscle tissues (such as liver, kidney, brain, spleen) are preferred as they generate a higher chromatin yield compared to muscle tissues (such as heart) Flash freeze in  liquid nitrogen immediately upon collection  and store at -80ºC until use.
Animal Blood From most to least preferable:
Fresh Blood
Frozen Blood
Fresher the better, collect with anticoagulant  EDTA, ACDA or Heparin tubes.  Fresh blood that cannot be processed within 72 hours of collection, should be frozen.
Plant Tissues From most to least preferable:
– Leaves at one or two leaf seedling stage
– Very young leaves from more mature plants
– Leaves collected from plants that are pretreated in dark for 2-3 days
– Tissue from young plant parts other than leaves
Flash freeze  in liquid nitrogen immediately upon collection  and store at -80ºC until use.
Anthropods From most to least preferable:
– Embryos
– Newly hatched larvae
– Early pupae
– Adults
Degut or starve adults for 2-3 days prior to freezing.
Flash freeze in liquid nitrogen and store at -80ºC until use.
Marine Animals/Invertebrates From most to least preferable:
– Internal organs (applicable for larger marine invertebrates)
– Newly hatched larvae
– Sperm
– Blood
– Muscle
Note: Mantle tissue is not recommended
Flash freeze in liquid nitrogen and store at -80ºC until use.

You will get 8 reactions with each Omni-C kit.

The workflow from sample to sequencing–ready library is split over two days.

The Omni-C kit is compatible with hybrid capture approaches. The Omni-C workflow integrates easily with Agilent SureSelect, Illumina TruSight and IDT xGEN.

Omni-C libraries exhibit WGS-like coverage of the genome and do not use restriction enzymes; therefore, you can use off-the-shelf probe sets or design your own probes without an inclusion of a restriction enzyme site.

Yes, frozen cells previously cross-linked with formaldehyde concentration ≥ 1% can be used as input to the assay. Simply skip the formaldehyde fixation step of our recommended two step fixation process.

Dovetail offers library preparation and index primers modules to streamline the library preparation workflow. Omni-C is compatible with third party library preparation kits as well, namely NEBNext® Ultra™ II DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina®, Kapa® HyperPrep, and Swift Biosciences Accel-NGS® 2S Plus DNA Library Kit.

The Omni-C workflow does not require sonication. The fragmentation is enzymatic and is carried out at Stage 1 of the protocol.

Magnetic separation rack for 0.2 mL and 1.5 mL tubes, centrifuge, vortex mixer, thermal cycler, agitating thermal mixer, Qubit fluorometer, and TapeStation (Fragment Analyzer or Bioanalyzer can also be used).

Workflow QC

The Omni-C workflow has three built-in quality control steps, including an early QC step used to assess the digestion reaction. Optional shallow Illumina sequencing is recommended as a final QC step prior to deep sequencing. An easy-to-use sequence QC analysis pipeline is available to assess final success.


Omni-C libraries are Illumina compatible. We recommend sequencing 2 x 150 bp. One library is typically sufficient for the generation of ~300M total read-pairs. Depending upon final sequencing depth desired, multiple libraries may need to be pooled prior to the sequencing run.

Dovetail has compiled a comprehensive best practices step-by-step workflow with full documentation that covers:

  • Alignment, Pairs generation, and filtering for high-quality proximity-ligation reads
  • Contact matrix generation for both .hic and .cool files
  • Commonly used applications

Dovetail tools for QC and Contact Matrix generation require the Omni-C raw sequence data (*.fq.gz) and a draft assembly (genome *.fa).

Due to the use of restriction enzymes and sonication, traditional Hi-C valid reads require the insert size (or physical coverage) of a read-pair to be greater than the library fragment and to be adjacent to a restriction site. Micro-C libraries do not use restriction enzymes or require sonication (a key source of noise in Hi-C libraries). Therefore, a valid Micro-C read only requires that the insert size (or physical coverage) of a read-pair be greater than the library fragment as defined by HiC-Pro. Check out this white paper to learn more.

HiC-Pro is also compatible with Omni-C libraries. Note that there are custom configuration files that are required. Please reach out to us at Dovetail for guidance on how to run HiC-Pro.

This largely depends on application. The following recommendations are good starting points:

  • Genome Assembly – 30X coverage; 1 library for genomes < 3 Gbp • Genotyping and Haplotype Phasing – 40X coverage; 2 libraries • Topology Analysis – A/B compartments (3X coverage; 1 library), TADs (30X; 1-2 libraries), Loops (> 90X coverage; 3-4 libraries)
  • For QC we recommend 1 – 2 million paired-end reads (2 x 150 bp)
Getting started with Dovetail® proximity-ligation assays

Chromosome conformation capture (3C), also known as proximity-ligation, is a molecular biology approach designed to analyze the spatial organization of chromatin. When the ligation events are tagged with biotin and isolated with streptavidin subjected to paired-end whole genome sequencing it is known as Hi-C.

For further information, check out this review paper by Davis et al. (2017).

We offer both! Check out our kits and services to learn more about each.

The Dovetail proximity-ligation kits are user friendly and designed for novice Hi-C users. Plus, our world-class support team is also available to help out if you run into difficulties or have questions.

They are novel Hi-C assays available only from Dovetail Genomics® and differ from traditional Hi-C in the following important ways:

  • HiChIP combines the chromatin immunoprecipitation of ChIP-seq with the conformation capture of Hi-C to provide a protein-directed view of chromatin folding.
  • Micro-C replaces restriction enzymes with MNase to provide the best resolution of any Hi-C assay, down to nucleosome-level folding.
  • Omni-C replaces restriction enzymes with DNase to generate uniform genomic coverage.

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