The LinkPrep™ Assay is the only complete solution that integrates proximity ligation with NGS library prep. Whether you are mapping A/B compartments, identifying TAD boundaries, or capturing chromatin loops, this Hi-C assay offers the fastest end-to-end workflow.
Dovetail® LinkPrep™ data delivers unbiased and uniform genomic coverage, resulting in richer contact matrices and increased chromatin loop detection compared to Hi-C data.
The uniform sequence coverage generated by Dovetail® LinkPrep™ libraries produces the most accurate chromatin interaction map possible. Where the non-uniform restriction enzyme site distribution associated with traditional Hi-C methods often skews signals, you can be confident in the position of interactions detected by the Dovetail LinkPrep Assay.
“I have found the Dovetail® LinkPrep™ Kit to be easy to use and not affected by tissue or cell morphology. It’s been very well suited to my study of looping interactions compared to the other kits I have used.”