Somatic Variant Detection Video

Improved Whole Genome Variant Detection

Generate a comprehensive whole genome view of genetic variation including structural variants, SNVs, InDels, and CNVs with high senstivity. LinkPrep technology enables your short-read sequencer to capture long-range information across the genome.
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Capture Structural Variants With High Sensitivity Without Sacrificing SNVs and InDels

Capture Structural Variants Missed By Other Technologies, Without All the False Positives

In a clinical ovarian sarcoma sample, the LinkPrep™ Assay accurately identified three distinct translocations without any false positives, supported by robust read counts (minimum read support >500). These SVs involve several oncogenes known to be linked to ovarian cancer. In contrast, WGS and RNA-seq methods fell short, detecting only two and one translocations, respectively, with minimal read support (less than 4 reads). Furthermore, these methods generated high numbers of false positives - 36 for RNA-seq and a staggering 402 for WGS - requiring extensive manual review and validation.

Do More with Your Short Reads

LinkPrep™ data excels at detecting genetic variants. At its core the LinkPrep™ assay is an NGS solution that captures primary sequence information used to detect clinically relevant SNVs, InDels, and CNVs. The unique chemistry behind the LinkPrep™ assay unlocks high sensitivity SV detection on your Illumina sequencer, even at low sequence depth.

Summarized Genetic Variation with Clear, Actionable Reporting

The LinkPrep™ Service delivers an individualized genetic report that summarizes variant calls. Along with sample information, the LinkPrep™ report provides a summary at a glance, including a Circos plot and count of variants by type. More in-depth results include a list of top-ranked SNV and InDels that have been annotated with the variant effect predictor, a summary table of large structural variants, and CNV plot where gains and losses can be easily observed. The report will help guide you to genetic aberrations that are mostly likely to impactor drive the oncogenic phenotype.

Customer Testimonials

"Our lab is excited about the potential of LinkPrep™ data. We currently use a range of NGS-based assays to catalog genetic variations spanning from SNVs up to large SVs. LinkPrep™ has the potential to become a key tool in our oncology research, offering powerful capabilities for the de novo detection of the full spectrum of somatic variants that we focus on."

Brian Walker, Ph.D.
Professor of Medical and Molecular Genetics at Indiana University School of Medicine


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