Genome Assembly

Trust your next genome assembly to the de novo experts. Dovetail® Genomics is the world leader when it comes to de novo genome assembly services having delivered over 1,800 high quality genome assemblies across hundreds of taxa to hundreds of satisfied customers since our inception in 2013.

Genome Assembly Services

Trust your next genome assembly to the de novo experts. Dovetail Genomics is the world leader when it comes to de novo genome assembly services having delivered over 1,800 high quality genome assemblies across hundreds of taxa to hundreds of satisfied customers since our inception in 2013.

Every species has a unique genome, with unique nuances and attributes and when we embark on a new project, we leverage our experience with similar species to maximize the quality of your assembly. At Dovetail, we provide a complete workflow – from sample to publishable assembly – all under one roof.

Why Use Our Service

Full service

from sample to publishable assembly, all under one roof.

Best -in-class Tools

PacBio HiFi, Dovetail® Omni-C® data, HiRise® software, and the Dovetail® Annotation pipeline.

Future-proof your genome

get a haplotype-resolved assembly. Don’t settle for half the genome.

De Novo Assembly Service

We’re here to help you build a full de novo assembly from scratch.

If you’d like a full de novo assembly built from scratch, we have you covered. We employ the latest and best technologies available: PacBio HiFi sequencing, for the ultimate in long-read accuracy, Dovetail’s proprietary Omni-C proximity ligation technology and HiRise software for building contiguity up to chromosome-scale, and a manually curated annotation pipeline so that your assembly is immediately usable.

Dovetail® Scaffolding Service

Have an initial assembly - Let us help you scaffold.

If you already have a genome assembly for your species, we can improve assembly contiguity up to chromosome-scale with our Omni-C proximity ligation technology and HiRise scaffolding software services. Unlike traditional Hi-C methods that utilize restriction enzymes, Omni-C proximity ligation technology digests chromatin using a sequence-independent endonuclease for even, unbiased whole genome coverage.

Dovetail® Polyploid Assembly Service

We launched our haplotype-resolved genome assembly service for diploid organisms in late 2021. Building on the great reception to our diploid service we are now pleased to offer a similar service for polyploids. Polyploids are the most challenging genomes to assemble. At Dovetail® Genomics, we use a unique combination of PacBio HiFi long reads and Dovetail® Omni-C® proximity ligation, plus a proprietary and bespoke bioinformatics workflow, to build high-quality polyploid genome assemblies from scratch.

New Dovetail® Annotation Service Powered by Mendle® Analytics

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