Dovetail® BLOG

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  • Hi-C
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  • HiChIP
  • Micro-C
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Hi-C, Micro-C
Running a Dovetail® Assay – Part 2
What’s Involved In Running A Dovetail® Hi-C Assay? (Part 2) This is part of a two-part blog; Part 1 can...
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Hi-C, Micro-C
Running a Dovetail® Assay – Part 1
What’s Involved In Running A Dovetail Hi-C Assay? (Part 1) So you are interested in bringing Hi-C into your lab!...
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Going Beyond ChIP-seq
‘Tis the holiday season and whether or not you’re awaiting a visit from that tubby fella with the white beard,...
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Hi-C, Micro-C
How to get the most out of your 3C assay sequence
Chromatin conformation capture (3C) assays have been used for ~20 years to elucidate complex folding of genomic sequence in three-dimensional space.
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