Dovetail® Targeted Enrichment Panels

Study Chromatin Topology Anchored at Gene Promoter Sites.

Ideal For:
Targeted Genome Topology

Targeted Enrichment Panels Video Overview

Enriching our understanding of gene regulation - a targeted view linking promoters with their regulatory elements.

The Dovetail Targeted Enrichment Panels can be used when a more restricted approach is desired because the hypothesis is clearly and more narrowly defined, reducing overall study costs. Often referred to as promoter capture Hi-C, this method enriches for genomic regions of interest by ‘pulling down’ pre-selected genomic regions with capture probes before next-generation sequencing (NGS).


What is Targeted Enrichment?

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is an extremely powerful tool for capture genome-wide genetic information. However, more targeted investigations can be performed by hybridizing the sequencing library to capture probes that target pre-selected genomic regions and “pulling down” the captured duplexes prior to sequencing, thereby enriching your library. The result is a reduction in sequencing required to meeting the sequence coverage goal for your targeted regions.

Target Enrichment Applied to Proximity Ligation

Targeted enrichment can be combined with proximity ligation libraries to perform capture Hi-C. However, library bias due to unevenly distributed restriction sites must be considered during the enrichment panel design process since they can cause coverage bias in the final library. Dovetail Micro-C and Omni-C libraries use sequence-independent nucleases to eliminate this source of bias so standard design principles can be employed. While many commercially available targeted enrichment panels are compatible with our kits, only the Dovetail Pan Promoter Enrichment Panels have been designed specifically for the study of chromatin topology anchored at gene promoter sites.

Available Enrichment Panels

Dovetail Pan Promoter Enrichment Panels target over 84,000 and 47,000 human and mouse promoter sequences respectively, offering comprehensive coverage of the promoter landscape. This inclusive design offers a genome-wide view of interactions anchored at known promoter sites enabling the detection of promoter-specific interactions such as promoter-enhancer and promoter-promoter contacts.

Comprehensive Coverage of Promoter Regions

Covering greater than 98% of human and mouse promoter regions, Dovetail Pan Promoter Enrichment panels are perfect for probing known and discovering unknown distal regulatory elements interacting with known promoters. The human design covers over 80,000 promoters associated with more than 27,000 coding and non-coding genes, while the mouse design covers over 47,000 promoters and 24,000 coding and non-coding genes.

Sequencing Cost-Saving Compared to Standard Hi-C

Standard Hi-C methods enable detection of promoter interactions through the calling of chromatin loops at high resolution (typically 5kb or greater). To achieve sufficient read depth to support these calls, sequencing depths in excess of 1 billion reads are required. Dovetail Pan Promoter Enrichment Panels reduce sequencing 10-fold without compromising coverage over promoter regions.

Data Confidence with High Enrichment Reproducibility

Within each panel, enrichment probes are balanced, and enrichment conditions optimized for consistent experiment to experiment results.

See More: Higher Resolution View of Promoter Specific Interactions

Targeted approaches reduce overall library complexity by improving signal-to-noise, both increasing representation of contacts of interest and reducing overall background signal. The result is a more efficient use of sequence and greater evidence of contacts within regions of interest.

Easily Integrate Capture Hi-C Into Your Existing Workflow

Hybridization capture is performed on the final proximity ligation libraries immediately prior to sequencing, so you won’t need to make any change to the upfront proximity ligation workflow. Existing Dovetail Omni-C and Micro-C libraries can be target enriched without the need to create new libraries for this purpose.

Customer Testimonials

“The Micro-C protocol is a breeze to follow. I really love the color-coded tubes, the "before you begin" sections, and the time estimates. Along with overall clear and concise writing, it is a fantastic user experience.”
Irene Duba, PhD. Candidate, Rockefeller University

Associated Dovetail® Kits

Dovetail® Micro-C Kit

Dovetail® Pan Promoter Enrichment Kit

Dovetail® Library Module for Illumina

Dovetail® Dual Index Primer Set #1 for Illumina


4 with up to 8 libs multiplexed/rxn
Validated Samples
Human or Mouse/span
Maximum # Libraries
Compatible Kits
Dovetail Omni-C & Micro-C Kits
Module 1 of 3 – content
Streptavidin Binding Beads
DNA Purification Beads
Binding Buffer
Wash Buffer 1
Wash Buffer 2
Module 1 of 3 – storage
2˚C to 8˚C
For Research Use Only
Module 2 of 3 – storage
-25˚C to -15˚C
Module 2 of 3 – content
Universal Blockers
Blocker Solution
Hybridization Mix
Hybridization Enhancer
Amplification Primers
Capture Amplification Mix
Module 3 of 3 – storage
-25˚C to -15˚C
Module 3 of 3 – content
Pan Promoter Panel

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